
National Safe Digging Month

‘Tis the season…to get outside and prepare your yard for warmer weather. Before you start digging, don’t forget to locate underground utilities. April is National Safe Digging Month and it’s a great reminder to “call before you dig.” No matter how small the project, digging without confirming the location of underground utilities is dangerous and […]


Construction Workers at Highest Risk of Traumatic Brain Injury on the job

The hard hat is the defining symbol of the construction industry and for good reason. While there are numerous safety tools and devices, few are as important as the hard hat. Hardhats are the leading preventer of Traumatic Brain Injuries, which are more common amongst construction workers than any other industry.  A traumatic brain injury […]



The Division of Occupational Safety and Health has just proposed major revisions to California’s heat illness prevention standard. The action is not formal rulemaking, but sending its proposal to the Standards Board is a big first step in revising the almost 10-year-old regulation. California has lead the nation in heat illness standards. Employers with heat […]


Cal/OSHA Construction Crackdown Happening Now

May 27, 2014 – Cal/OSHA is deploying teams of investigators to construction sites throughout the state “to determine whether adequate measures have been taken to identify safety hazards and prevent injury,” it says. There will be focus on specific issues and employers should expect aggressive enforcement. Cal/OSHA is reacting to a series of recent fatal […]
